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Infrastructure Loans

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Infrastructure Loans

Any credit facility in whatever form extended by lenders (i.e., banks, FIs NBFCs) to an infrastructure facility as specified below falls within the definition of "infrastructure lending". In other words, a credit facility provided to a borrower company engaged in

Developing, or, Operating and maintaining, or, Developing, operating and maintaining any infrastructure facility that is a project in any of the following sectors

(i) a road, including toll road, a bridge or a rail system;
(ii) a highway project including other activities, being an integral part of the highway project;
(iii) a port, airport, inland waterway or inland port;
(iv) a water supply project, irrigation project, water treatment system, sanitation and sewerage system or solid waste management system;
(v) telecommunication services whether basic or cellular, including radio paging, domestic satellite service (i.e., a satellite owned and operated by an Indian company for providing telecommunication service), network of trunking broadband network and internet services
(vi) an industrial park or special economic zone;
(vii) generation or generation and distribution of power;
(viii) transmission or distribution of power by laying a network of new transmission or distribution lines;
(ix) any other infrastructure facility of similar nature.

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